Make A Move

Sports group for students

On Fridays, we (Anne, Lucas, Lando and Katja) open the doors to an exciting sports program for all enthusiastic students!

If you enjoy physical activity, want to meet new people, and have the desire to try out different sports, then you‘ve come to the right place. Each session offers a unique opportunity for you to engage in sports and acquire new skills. You can try your hand at various ball sports like tennis or volleyball, or get a first taste of climbing or dancing.

If you want to join and find out more dates, write a message to Katja (0676/8772-5429). When and Where will be coordinated in the WhatsApp group.

Dates: Regularly on sunny Fridays

Information: Katja Salzer (0676/8772-5429)


März 21 2025
Katholische HochschulGemeinde


Katholische HochschulGemeinde
0463 23 407

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