Transcultural Theatre

All Bodies are Welcome!

Everybody is an artist, according to Brazilian theatre maker Augusto Boal. In this theatre group we meet every Monday evening and use the ‚theatre for all people’ to get to know ourselves and each other better, to celebrate diversity and to create scenes about what life teaches us and what we want to share with others. We are open to exploration, laughter and playfulness.

Sandra Pascal is a qualified actress and has been playing theater since 1995, has been directing since 2019, works in theatre education and as a speaker, can be seen in several films, and does performances and readings. She is a German teacher at the „Sprachenzentrum Deutsch in Österreich“ at the University Klagenfurt. Sandra Pascal holds creativity workshops, team building, performance/presence training and combines the best of acting and psychology. She is chairwoman of the TatWortTheater theatre association. In 2023 she set up the educational youth environmental theatre project “Burning”, impressed in “Windhöhe” at the Luaga and Losna festivals, among others, and broke all visitor records as director with the Kultur Spektrum Maria Gail with “Neurosige Zeiten”. She enjoys helping others to overcome their fears, unleash their creativity, develop their potential and shine.



Mrz 11 2024


19:00 - 21:00


Katholische HochschulGemeinde
Nautilusweg 11, 9020 Klagenfurt
Katholische HochschulGemeinde


Katholische HochschulGemeinde
0463 23 407

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