Workshop: Transcultural Theatre

All Bodies Welcome!

Everybody is an artist, according to Brazilian theatre maker Augusto Boal. In this one day workshop, Birgit Fritz will give an introduction to this “theatre for all people”, that is used all over the world. Games and exercises will be used to get to know ourselves and each other better, to celebrate diversity and to create scenes about what life teaches us and what we want to share with others.

We are open to exploration, laughter and playfulness. Please bring comfortable clothes and yourselves!

Participants in this workshop are also very welcome to become part of our regular theatre group that meets every Monday.

Birgit Fritz is a long standing practitioner of the Theatre of the Oppressed and mentor to theatre groups in various countries. She is strongly related to the theatre movement of Jana Sanskriti in India and has written a handbook „InExActArt – The Autopoietic Theatre of Augusto Boal“, which has also been translated into the Slovenian language.




Mrz 22 2024


10:00 - 17:00


Katholische HochschulGemeinde
Nautilusweg 11, 9020 Klagenfurt
Katholische HochschulGemeinde


Katholische HochschulGemeinde
0463 23 407

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